

  • https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/dylanNew/live2d/webgl/Live2D/lib/live2d.min.js

    查找到 GitHub 项目https://github.com/dylanNew/live2d/tree/master/webgl/Live2D

    由于版本较老,官方已停止更新,其中提到的 license:

    Read Live2D License Agreement
    	for business
    	for indie


  • https://cubism.live2d.com/sdk-web/cubismcore/live2dcubismcore.min.js

    代码注释中提到 license:https://www.live2d.com/eula/live2d-proprietary-software-license-agreement_en.html

    根据 5.1 Right of Use and Redistribution,The Customer may copy and distribute the Redistributable Code.

    由定义 1.15,Redistributable Code 写在“RedistributableFiles.txt”中,找到的 Web SDK 下的./Core/RedistributableFiles.txt 文件,内容如下:

    The following is a list of files available for redistribution
    under the terms of the Live2D Proprietary Software License Agreement:
    - live2dcubismcore.d.ts
    - live2dcubismcore.js
    - live2dcubismcore.min.js

    说明引入 live2dcubismcore.min.js 是被允许的


对 spine 的引用遵循https://github.com/EsotericSoftware/spine-runtimes的README.md中对License的说明:

You are welcome to evaluate the Spine Runtimes and the examples we provide in this repository free of charge.

You can integrate the Spine Runtimes into your software free of charge, but users of your software must have their own Spine license. Please make your users aware of this requirement! This option is often chosen by those making development tools, such as an SDK, game toolkit, or software library.

In order to distribute your software containing the Spine Runtimes to others that don't have a Spine license, you need a Spine license at the time of integration. Then you can distribute your software containing the Spine Runtimes however you like, provided others don't modify it or use it to create new software. If others want to do that, they'll need their own Spine license.

For the official legal terms governing the Spine Runtimes, please read the Spine Runtimes License Agreement and Section 2 of the Spine Editor License Agreement.

本项目遵循第二段的说法,已明确告知使用 spine 模型需要用户获得 Spine license。


本项目采用的 three-vrm 仓库地址如下:https://github.com/pixiv/three-vrm。该项目遵循MIT licenseopen in new window


根据 Niconico 大百科上对 MikuMikuDance 的介绍open in new window,“『MikuMikuDance』(みくみくだんす)は、「樋口 M」こと樋口優氏が個人で開発し、自身のウェブサイト VPVP(Vocaloid Promotion Video Project)」で無償公開しているフリーの 3DCG ムービー製作ツールである。”

而本项目使用 3D 渲染引擎 Three.js 为 MMD 提供载入支持,该项目同样遵循MIT licenseopen in new window

Contributors: TSKI433